John Gonzales, MD

Associate Professor
Proctor Foundation


Dr. Gonzales's interest involves the diagnosis and management of infectious and non-infectious inflammatory conditions of the eyes (uveitis). Many ocular inflammatory diseases are part of a systemic disorder and require a complete review of one’s health, personalized treatment, and close monitoring. Working as a team with a patient’s rheumatologist, internist, pediatrician, or other subspecialists ensure that his patients receive optimum care.


Reply to Comment on "Multiple Anterior Chamber Paracenteses May be Needed to Identify Cytomegalovirus Anterior Uveitis."

American journal of ophthalmology

Benador-Shen C, Shantha J, Lee J, Qian Y, Doan T, Gonzales JA

Intraocular Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma Masquerading as an Intermediate Uveitis.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Nguyen RD, Livnat I, Krishnan V, Stewart JM, Gonzales JA

Inhibition of choroidal osteoma progression using bisphosphonate and RANKL-inhibitory treatment.

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Hébert M, Babic K, Hsiao EC, Afshar A, Acharya N, Gonzales JA

Multiple Anterior Chamber Paracenteses May Be Needed to Identify Cytomegalovirus Anterior Uveitis.

American journal of ophthalmology

Benador-Shen C, Shantha J, Lee J, Qian Y, Doan T, Gonzales JA

Association Between Baseline Macular Morphologic Features on Optical Coherence Tomography and Visual Outcomes in Patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Sundararajan M, Rathinam SR, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Balamurugan S, Vedhanayaki R, Miller DC, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Arellanes-Garcia L, Reddy AK, Feng S, Doan T, Porco TC, Shantha JG, Acharya NR, Gonzales JA

Ocular manifestations of juvenile Sjögren's disease.

Current opinion in ophthalmology

Nguyen R, Gomez-Castillo L, Gonzales JA

Outcomes in Patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease from the First-line Antimetabolites for Steroid-sparing Treatment Uveitis Trial.

American journal of ophthalmology

Acharya NR, Rathinam SR, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Balamurugan S, Vedhanayaki R, Gonzales JA, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Doan T, Arellanes-Garcia L, Coyne A, Porco TC, Shantha JG, FAST Research Group

Prevalence, Patterns, and Predictors of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and Culturable Virus in Tears of a Case-Ascertained Household Cohort.

American journal of ophthalmology

So M, Goldberg SA, Lu S, Garcia-Knight M, Davidson MC, Tassetto M, Murray VW, Anglin K, Pineda-Ramirez J, Chen JY, Rugart PR, Richardson ET, Briggs-Hagen M, Midgley CM, Andino R, Seitzman GD, Gonzales J, Peluso MJ, Martin JN, Kelly JD

Acute neuroretinitis as a delayed manifestation of tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome.

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Vazquez SE, Niemeyer K, Mentreddy A, Gonzales J, Rasool N, Acharya NR, Doan T, Shantha JG

Ocular Signs and Testing Most Compatible with Sarcoidosis-Associated Uveitis: A Latent Class Analysis.

Ophthalmology science

Xiong F, Acharya N, Rao N, Mochizuki M, Lietman TM, Gonzales JA

Stromal Keratitis Associated With CMV Anterior Uveitis.


Pisitpayat P, Mentreddy A, Pekmezci M, Hwang D, Shantha J, Benador-Shen C, Terry M, Pothikamjorn T, Gonzales J

Sjögren's Versus Non-Sjögren's Ocular Features: Similar Symptoms, But Significantly Worse Signs.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Xiong F, Pula D, Akpek EK, Bunya VY, Shiboski CH, Lietman TL, Gonzales JA

Risk factors for corneal ulcers: a population-based matched case-control study in Nepal.

The British journal of ophthalmology

Byanju R, Kandel RP, Poudyal B, Bhandari S, Ligal A, Pradhan S, Gautam M, Shrestha P, Sah RK, Gonzales JA, Porco TC, Whitcher JP, Srinivasan M, Upadhyay MP, Lietman TM, Keenan JD, O'Brien KS, Village-Integrated Eye Worker Trial Group

Risk factors for corneal abrasions in Nepal: a community-based study.

Eye (London, England)

Brekke SR, Giri P, Byanju R, Pradhan S, Bhandari G, Bhandari S, Kandel RP, Poudyal B, Gonzales JA, Srinivasan M, Upadhyay M, Whitcher JP, O'Brien KS, Lietman TM, Keenan JD, VIEW Trial Study Group

Diagnostic accuracy of smartphone corneal photography for detection of corneal opacities in a resource-limited setting: a community-based study.

Cornea Open

Cao B, Giri P, Byanju R, Pradhan S, Bhandari G, Bhandari S, Kandel RP, Poudyal B, Gonzales JA, Srinivasan M, Upadhyay M, Whitcher JP, O'Brien KS, Lietman TM, Keenan JD

Anxiety and depression in patients with uveitis: a comprehensive review of observational studies.

Current opinion in ophthalmology

Choo CH, Gonzales J, Shantha JG

Risk of failing both methotrexate and mycophenolate mofetil from the First-line Antimetabolites as Steroid-sparing Treatment (FAST) uveitis trial.

Journal of ophthalmic inflammation and infection

Reddy AK, Miller DC, Sura AA, Rathinam SR, Gonzales JA, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Murugan B, Vedhanayaki R, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Doan T, Al-Dhibi HA, Goldstein DA, Arellanes-Garcia L, Acharya NR

Association between Quality of Life and Visual Acuity in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Patients with Uveitis Taking Antimetabolites.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Chattopadhyay A, Rathinam SR, Gonzales JA, Kelly NK, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Murugan SB, Vedhanayaki R, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Doan T, Ebert CD, Porco TC, Acharya NR, FAST Research Group

Central Corneal Subbasal Nerve Plexus Abnormalities in Sjögren Disease: A Pilot Study.


Nortey J, Tsang A, Lopez S, Gebreegziabher E, Keenan JD, Lietman T, Gonzales JA

Reduced Dose Methotrexate and Mycophenolate Mofetil in Noninfectious Uveitis: A Sub-Analysis from the First-Line Antimetabolites as Steroid Sparing Therapy (FAST) Trial.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Sura AA, Sun Y, Reddy AK, Rathinam SR, Gonzales JA, Thundikandy R, Vedhanayaki R, Kanakath A, Murugan B, Doan TA, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Acharya NR, FAST Research Group

Chapter 6 Sjögren's Syndrome Dry Eye Disease.

Dry Eye Disease

Jeremy N. Nortey, John A. Gonzales

How Are Sicca Signs and Symptoms Associated With Depression Among Men Classified With and Without Sjögren Disease?

American journal of ophthalmology

Nortey J, Shiboski C, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Bunya VY, Lietman T, Gonzales JA

Bilateral anterior and intermediate uveitis in SARS-CoV-2 associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in a pediatric patient.

Pediatric rheumatology online journal

Shantha J, Reddy AK, Sura A, Tsang A, Moussa K, Acharya N, Gonzales J, Doan T

Efficacy of the Fluocinolone Acetonide (Yutiq) Intravitreal Implant as Monotherapy for Uveitis.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Mahmud H, Ahmad TR, Gonzales JA, Stewart JM

Prevalence of Epstein-Barr Virus in Patients with Intraocular Inflammation.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Moussa K, Gonzales JA, Shantha J, Acharya NR, Doan T

Detection of Leptospirosis Genome from the Aqueous Humor of a Patient with Bilateral Uveitis.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Gonzales JA, Sundararajan M, Qian Y, Hwang T, Doan T

Intraocular Inflammation Associated with IRAK4 Deficiency.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Gonzales JA, Nortey J, Reddy A, Doan T, Acharya NR

Occult cause of uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome diagnosed during treatment with endocyclophotocoagulation (ECP).

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Sura AA, Reddy AK, Babic K, Saifee M, Acharya NR, Gonzales JA, Han Y, Doan TA

Village-integrated eye workers for prevention of corneal ulcers in Nepal (VIEW study): a cluster-randomised controlled trial.

The Lancet. Global health

O'Brien KS, Byanju R, Kandel RP, Poudyal B, Gonzales JA, Porco TC, Whitcher JP, Srinivasan M, Upadhyay M, Lietman TM, Keenan JD, Village-Integrated Eye Worker Trial Group

Preliminary Screening Questionnaire for Sjögren's Syndrome in the Rheumatology Setting.

Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases

Yu K, Ying GS, Vivino FB, Gonzales JA, Massaro-Giordano M, Bunya VY

Outcomes of Uveitic Macular Edema in the First-line Antimetabolites as Steroid-Sparing Treatment Uveitis Trial.


Tsui E, Rathinam SR, Gonzales JA, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Balamurugan S, Vedhanayaki R, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Doan T, Keenan J, Ebert CD, Kim E, Madow B, Porco TC, Acharya NR, FAST Research Group

Topical Therapeutic Options in Corneal Neuropathic Pain.

Frontiers in pharmacology

Nortey J, Smith D, Seitzman GD, Gonzales JA

Time to Uveitis Control with Methotrexate and Mycophenolate Mofetil.


Bui AD, Kong CL, Kelly NK, Rathinam SR, Gonzales JA, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Murugan B, Vedhanayaki R, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Doan T, Acharya NR, First-Line Antimetabolites as Steroid-Sparing Treatment Research Group

Associations Between Smoking and Primary Sjögren Syndrome Classification Using the Sjögren's International Collaborative Clinical Alliance Cohort.

ACR open rheumatology

Gebreegziabher EA, Oldenburg CE, Shiboski SC, Baer AN, Jordan RC, Rose-Nussbaumer JR, Bunya VY, Akpek EK, Criswell LA, Shiboski CH, Lietman TM, Gonzales JA

Detection of Tropheryma whipplei Genome From the Aqueous Humor by Metagenomic Sequencing.

Annals of internal medicine

Gonzales JA, Doan T, VanZante A, Stewart JM, Sura A, Reddy A, Rasool N

Intraocular Lymphoma.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Cunningham ET, Miserocchi E, Smith JR, Gonzales JA, Zierhut M

Health- and Vision-Related Quality of Life in a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Methotrexate and Mycophenolate Mofetil for Uveitis.


Kelly NK, Chattopadhyay A, Rathinam SR, Gonzales JA, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Murugan SB, Vedhanayaki R, Cugley D, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Ebert CD, Berlinberg EJ, Porco TC, Acharya NR, FAST Research Group

Peripheral Blood Transcriptome in Patients with Sarcoidosis-Associated Uveitis.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Gonzales JA, Takhar JS, Joye A, Acharya NR, Chen C, Hinterwirth A, Doan T

Neuropathic Pain in the Eyes, Body, and Mouth: Insights from the Sjögren's International Collaborative Clinical Alliance.

Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain

Gebreegziabher EA, Bunya VY, Baer AN, Jordan RC, Akpek EK, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Criswell LA, Shiboski CH, Lietman TM, Gonzales JA

Comprehensive pathogen detection for ocular infections.

Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology

Doan T, Sahoo MK, Ruder K, Huang C, Zhong L, Chen C, Hinterwirth A, Lin C, Gonzales JA, Pinsky BA, Acharya NR

A New Screening Questionnaire to Identify Patients With Dry Eye With a High Likelihood of Having Sjögren Syndrome.


Bunya VY, Maguire MG, Akpek EK, Massaro-Giordano M, Hennessy S, Vivino FB, Gonzales JA, Baer AN, Ying GS

Vitreoretinal Lymphoma: A Literature Review and Introduction of a New Diagnostic Method.

Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Takhar J, Doan T, Gonzales JA

Metagenomic Deep Sequencing to Investigate for an Infectious Etiology of Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome.


Sutra P, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Gonzales JA, Wang K, Hinterwirth A, Seitzman G, Bloomer M, Acharya N, Doan T

Comparison of CD4 Counts with Mycophenolate Mofetil versus Methotrexate from the First-line Antimetabolites as Steroid-sparing Treatment (FAST) Uveitis Trial.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Kong CL, Kelly NK, Sundararajan M, Rathinam SR, Gonzales JA, Thundikandy R, Vedhanayaki R, Kanakath A, Murugan B, Doan T, Goldstein D, Al-Dhibi HA, Acharya NR

Ocular Clinical Signs and Diagnostic Tests Most Compatible With Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca: A Latent Class Approach.


Gonzales JA, Shiboski SC, Bunya VY, Akpek EK, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Seitzman GD, Criswell LA, Shiboski CH, Lietman TM

Cytomegalovirus Retinal Necrosis With Occlusive Vasculopathy Secondary to Steroid Immunosuppression for Giant Cell Arteritis.

Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases

Anne Zeng, Ron Strauss, Sarah E. Goglin, John Gonzales, Varun K. Pawar, Richard K. Imes, Jesse J. Jung

Treatment of Cytomegalovirus Anterior Uveitis at a North American Tertiary Center With Oral Valganciclovir.


Bhoopat T, Takhar JS, Oldenburg CE, Keenan JD, Gonzales JA, Margolis TP

Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment masquerading as exudative panuveitis with intense anterior chamber inflammatory reaction.

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Joye AS, Bhisitkul RB, Pereira DDS, Gonzales JA

Chapter 4 Diagnosis and management of Sjögren's syndrome related dry eye.

Vatinee Y. Bunya, John A. Gonzales, Michael E. Sulewski, Mina Massaro-Giordano, Stephen E. Orlin

Diagnostic Testing in Uveitis.

Ashlin Joye, John Gonzales

A double masked randomised 4-week, placebo-controlled study in the USA, Thailand and Taiwan to compare the efficacy of oral valganciclovir and topical 2% ganciclovir in the treatment of cytomegalovirus anterior uveitis: study protocol.

BMJ open

Takhar JS, Joye AS, Somkijrungroj T, Laovirojjanakul W, Lin CP, Lietman TM, Porco TC, Keenan JD, Gebreegziabher EA, Seitzman GD, Rose-Nussbaumer J, Doan TA, Acharya NR, Gonzales JA

High Resolution DNA Typing of Human Leukocyte Antigen A29 in Familial Birdshot Chorioretinopathy.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Tsui E, Takhar JS, Joye A, Ahmad TR, Acharya NR, Gonzales JA

Clinical Course of Preexisting Uveitis during Treatment of Lung Cancer with Durvalumab.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Ahmad TR, Doan T, Gonzales JA, Acharya NR, Tsui E

Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma: empowering our clinical suspicion.

Current opinion in ophthalmology

Takhar JS, Doan TA, Gonzales JA

Sarcoid Uveitis.

John Gonzales

Letermovir for the Management of Cytomegalovirus-associated Uveitis.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Tsui E, Gonzales JA, Shantha JG, Acharya N, Doan T

IgA Nephropathy-Associated Uveitis: A Case Presentation.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Takhar JS, Gonzales JA


John A. Gonzales

Effect of Corticosteroid-Sparing Treatment With Mycophenolate Mofetil vs Methotrexate on Inflammation in Patients With Uveitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial.


Rathinam SR, Gonzales JA, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Murugan SB, Vedhanayaki R, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Doan T, Keenan JD, Rao MM, Ebert CD, Nguyen HH, Kim E, Porco TC, Acharya NR, FAST Research Group

Retinal Vasculitis Associated with Ipilimumab.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Tsui E, Gonzales JA

Multimodal Imaging Report of Crystalline Keratopathy in Relapsing Polychondritis.


Wang K, Gonzales J, Pawar V, Cheewaruangroj N, Seitzman GD

When to Consider Bisphosphonates in Patients on Steroids for Chronic Ocular Inflammatory Conditions.

Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics : the official journal of the Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Takhar JS, Pawar VK, Marneris AG, Doan TA, Acharya NR, Gonzales JA

Time Trade-off Utility Values in Noninfectious Uveitis.

American journal of ophthalmology

Niemeyer KM, Gonzales JA, Doan T, Browne EN, Rao MM, Acharya NR

Association of Ocular Inflammation and Rubella Virus Persistence.

JAMA ophthalmology

Gonzales JA, Hinterwirth A, Shantha J, Wang K, Zhong L, Cummings SL, Qian Y, Wilson MR, Acharya NR, Doan T

Association Between Noninfectious Uveitis and Psychological Stress.

JAMA ophthalmology

Berlinberg EJ, Gonzales JA, Doan T, Acharya NR

Noninfectious Uveitis: Immunomodulatory Agents and Biologicals.

Posterior Uveitis

John A. Gonzales, Nisha Acharya

Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid.

Current opinion in ophthalmology

Wang K, Seitzman G, Gonzales JA

Ocular manifestations of cytomegalovirus in immunocompetent hosts.

Current opinion in ophthalmology

Joye A, Gonzales JA


Retinal cases & brief reports

Moussa K, Doan T, Stewart JM, Shantha J, Gonzales J, Acharya N, Cunningham ET

Village-Integrated Eye Worker trial (VIEW): rationale and design of a cluster-randomised trial to prevent corneal ulcers in resource-limited settings.

BMJ open

O'Brien KS, Byanju R, Kandel RP, Poudyal B, Gautam M, Gonzales JA, Porco TC, Whitcher JP, Srinivasan M, Upadhyay M, Lietman TM, Keenan JD, Village-Integrated Eye Worker Trial Group

Cytomegalovirus Keratouveitis: Charted and Uncharted Territory.

Current Ophthalmology Reports

Ashlin Joye, John Gonzales

How Are Ocular Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye Associated With Depression in Women With and Without Sjögren Syndrome?

American journal of ophthalmology

Gonzales JA, Chou A, Rose-Nussbaumer JR, Bunya VY, Criswell LA, Shiboski CH, Lietman TM

Ocular Involvement in Sjögren’s Syndrome: Advances in Therapy.

Current Treatment Options in Rheumatology

John A. Gonzales, Thomas M. Lietman

Unilateral Posterior Interstitial Keratitis as a Clinical Presentation of Herpes Simplex Virus Disease.


Farooq AV, Paley GL, Lubniewski AJ, Gonzales JA, Margolis TP

Combination nivolumab- and cabiralizumab-associated acute bilateral anterior and posterior scleritis and anterior uveitis.

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Gonzales JA, Shantha J, Acharya NR

Metagenomic deep sequencing of aqueous fluid detects intraocular lymphomas.

The British journal of ophthalmology

Gonzales J, Doan T, Shantha JG, Bloomer M, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL, Acharya N

Ultra-Widefield Fluorescein Angiography in Intermediate Uveitis.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Laovirojjanakul W, Acharya N, Gonzales JA

The Draw(backs) of Big Data.

JAMA ophthalmology

Gonzales JA, Lietman TM, Acharya NR

Fundus findings in a series of patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Thailand.

The British journal of ophthalmology

Jirawison C, Liu Y, Surasit K, Maningding E, Kamphaengkham S, Ausayakhun S, Heiden D, Margolis TP, Gonzales JA, Acharya NR, Keenan JD

Quality-of-Life Outcomes From a Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Antimetabolites for Intermediate, Posterior, and Panuveitis.

American journal of ophthalmology

Niemeyer KM, Gonzales JA, Rathinam SR, Babu M, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Porco TC, Browne EN, Rao MM, Acharya NR

Sarcoid Uveitis.

John Gonzales

Management of Uveitis and Scleritis in Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma.

Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics : the official journal of the Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Gonzales JA, Haemel A, Gross AJ, Acharya NR

Erratum to: Illuminating uveitis: metagenomic deep sequencing identifies common and rare pathogens.

Genome medicine

Doan T, Wilson MR, Crawford ED, Chow ED, Khan LM, Knopp KA, O'Donovan BD, Xia D, Hacker JK, Stewart JM, Gonzales JA, Acharya NR, DeRisi JL

Illuminating uveitis: metagenomic deep sequencing identifies common and rare pathogens.

Genome medicine

Doan T, Wilson MR, Crawford ED, Chow ED, Khan LM, Knopp KA, O'Donovan BD, Xia D, Hacker JK, Stewart JM, Gonzales JA, Acharya NR, DeRisi JL

Conjunctival Sensation in Scleritis.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Somkijrungroj T, Pimolrat W, Gonzales JA, Keenan JD, Margolis TP

Multimodal imaging of white and dark without pressure fundus lesions.

Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Fawzi AA, Nielsen JS, Mateo-Montoya A, Somkijrungroj T, Li HK, Gonzales J, Mauget-Faÿsse M, Jampol LM

Association between atopy and herpetic eye disease: results from the pacific ocular inflammation study.

JAMA ophthalmology

Borkar DS, Gonzales JA, Tham VM, Esterberg E, Vinoya AC, Parker JV, Uchida A, Acharya NR

Ocular toxoplasmosis: the treatment dilemma.

Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

Schallhorn JM, Gonzales J

Retinal necrosis following varicella-zoster vaccination.

Archives of ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)

Gonzales JA, Levison AL, Stewart JM, Acharya NR, Margolis TP

Clinical characteristics of ocular toxocariasis in Eastern China.

Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie

Zhou M, Chang Q, Gonzales JA, Chen Q, Zhang Y, Huang X, Xu G, Wang W, Jiang R

Dermabond as a hemostatic agent in chalazion excision in a hemophiliac.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Kapoor KG, Gonzales JA, Gibran SK

Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy: a clinical, angiographic, and histologic study.

American journal of ophthalmology

Gonzales JA, Kapoor KG, Gibran SK

Visual loss associated with tacrolimus: case report and review of the literature.

Cutaneous and ocular toxicology

Kapoor KG, Mirza SN, Gonzales JA, Gibran SK

CHAPTER 102 Intraocular Lymphoproliferations Simulating Uveitis.

Chi-Chao Chan, John A. Gonzales, Ahmed A. Hidayat

Biopsy techniques and yields in diagnosing primary intraocular lymphoma.

International ophthalmology

Gonzales JA, Chan CC

Ocular pathologic features of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 1 in an adult.

Archives of ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)

Zhou M, Gradstein L, Gonzales JA, Tsilou ET, Gahl WA, Chan CC

Detection of Helicobacter pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae genes in primary orbital lymphoma.

Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society

Chan CC, Shen D, Mochizuki M, Gonzales JA, Yuen HK, Guex-Crosier Y, Lehoang P

Natural history of anal cytologic abnormalities and papillomavirus infection among homosexual men with group IV HIV disease.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Palefsky JM, Holly EA, Gonzales J, Lamborn K, Hollander H

Colposcopic and histologic findings and human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test variability in young women positive for HPV DNA.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Moscicki AB, Palefsky JM, Gonzales J, Smith G, Schoolnik GK

Detection of human papillomavirus DNA in anal intraepithelial neoplasia and anal cancer.

Cancer research

Palefsky JM, Holly EA, Gonzales J, Berline J, Ahn DK, Greenspan JS

Human papillomavirus infection in sexually active adolescent females: prevalence and risk factors.

Pediatric research

Moscicki AB, Palefsky J, Gonzales J, Schoolnik GK

Lamellar bodies of cultured human fetal lung: content of surfactant protein A (SP-A), surface film formation and structural transformation in vitro.

Biochimica et biophysica acta

Froh D, Ballard PL, Williams MC, Gonzales J, Goerke J, Odom MW, Gonzales LW

Glucocorticoid stimulation of fatty acid synthesis in explants of human fetal lung.

Biochimica et biophysica acta

Gonzales LW, Ertsey R, Ballard PL, Froh D, Goerke J, Gonzales J

Congenital torticollis: evaluation by fine-needle aspiration biopsy.

The Laryngoscope

Gonzales J, Ljung BM, Guerry T, Schoenrock LD

Iris melanoma with increased intraocular pressure. Differentiation of focal solitary tumors from diffuse or multiple tumors.

Archives of ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)

Char DH, Crawford JB, Gonzales J, Miller T

Computers in anatomic pathology. A survey of California hospitals.

Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine

Gonzales J, Cohen MB