Thuy Doan, MD, PhD
Dr. Doan is a fellowship-trained uveitis specialist, focusing on diagnosing and treating infectious and inflammatory eye diseases. She is committed to providing each patient with the highest quality, personalized eye care, and leverages the latest technological advances in her practice. As the Director of the Ralph & Sophie Heintz laboratory at the Proctor Foundation, she works alongside a global team of specialists in epidemiology, ophthalmology, biostatistics, and genomics. Together, they study the complex interactions between human microbiomes, including those of the eyes, gut, and respiratory system, and their responses to treatments like antibiotics. Additionally, they optimize diagnostics and identify biomarkers critical to disease progression. This research, aimed at enhancing patient outcomes, is supported by the National Eye Institute, the Research to Prevent Blindness, All May See, and the Huang Foundation.
Doan Lab website: https://doanlab.ucsf.edu